Sun bed
We offer sun bed services for those who are after that longer lasting all over tan.
When you come into Status Glow we will walk you through the sun bedding process to ensure you have a relaxing experience.
We offer a free 8 min trial for first time sun bed users when you purchase your next session or package. This free trial allows you to get comfortable and familiar with the beds
and the process itself.
Build your tan up with one of our best priced sun bed packages or pop in for a casual session.
Bookings not required for sun bed sessions, just come on in. Prices are subject to change without notice.
*Please note: As of June 11th 2022 every sun bed package and casual session will come with a six (6) month expiry date from the date of purchase. There are no refunds on sun bed casual and/or sun bed packages.
Sun Bed Packages
Packages based off a standard 12min session
60 minutes for $90 (equivalent to 5x 12 min sessions)
120 minutes for $155 (equivalent to 10x 12min sessions)
240 minutes for $275 (equivalent to 20x 12min sessions)
Casual Sessions
10 minutes for $20
12 minutes for $25 (standard session time)
15 minutes for $29
18 minutes for $32
The Status Glow 8 minute free trial
First time sun bed users will receive a free 8 minute trial when you purchase your next casual session or sun bed package. This gives you 8 minutes for free to get yourself comfortable with the room, the bed and the process itself. We want to ensure your tanning experience is a comfortable and relaxing one so please, make the most of your free trial on us.
(Again - this trial is only available with the purchase of your next casual or sun bed package and is not a deal on it's own).
*Prices are subject to change without notice*